Did you know you can apply for a grant called Access To Work to help you fund practical support for your business amongst other things?

The support you get will depend on your needs. Through Access to Work, you can apply for:

  • a grant to help pay for practical support with your work

  • advice about managing your mental health at work

  • money to pay for communication support at job interviews

Here are examples of the kind of practical support you could use your grant for:

  • BSL interpreters, lip speakers or note takers

  • adaptations to your vehicle so you can get to work

  • taxi fares to work or a support worker if you cannot use public transport

  • a support worker or job coach to help you in your workplace

1:1 Business Coaching

(ADHD, Autism, AUDHD)

I only take on a few people to work with me on a one to one basis as I want to have time to get right into the nitty gritty core of your business.

I know your brain is full of ideas and I want to help you untangle them into manageable brain friendly plans.

We’ll work out exactly what steps you need to take to get your business to where you want it to be.

You can do it, you just haven’t had the right support. Having a Neurodivergent coach will make all the difference as I actually get it!

I offer a more creative approach that doesn’t try and squish you into a way of doing things that just doesn’t work for your brain.

I take on coaching clients who have been awarded an Access To Work grant for Coaching. (They call it Coping Strategies.)

I’m happy to announce I’ll be accepting Access to Work funding for my coaching and strategy work. You can read how to apply on the government’s website. I offer 1:1 business coaching through Access to Work, (they refer to coaching as Coping Strategies.) Once your application has been approved you just need to say you want to work with me.

However I know just the thought of the forms and admin will feel like a huge mountain to climb for some of you and I don’t want this to be a block stopping you from accessing this funding, you can book in some time with me to help you with the application process. If this is something that you’d find useful please get in touch. I charge £75 for this service.